ProRep Bio Life Drainage Medium, 10 litre
Getting the drainage in your bioactive setup right is crucial for success. ProRep's Bio Life Drainage Medium has been specifically created to support you achieve this aim.
- Inert, hard yet lightweight material
- Large surface area to support beneficial bacterial growth
- Supports the creation of a natural moisture gradient
Why Is Bio Life Drainage Medium So Special?
This drining substrate has been created by firing ash at a high temperature. As it is heated, the air bubbles in the material expand to form a honeycomb of interconnected chambers that dramatically increase the suface area of the substrate. This enables moisture to pool around and in the gaps between the substrate in the base of your terrarium as well as providing plenty of surface area for the growth of beneficial bacteria that breakdown harmful waste.
How To Use
Spread the substrate across the base of your terrarium to a depth of around 5cm then use a draining mesh to separate it from the top layer of substrate above.