Flightless Fruitfly (Drosophila) culture
A culture of flightless fruit flies is a great option for feeding very small pets. Hatch your own flies over a few days to weeks and ensure your pet has an ongoing supply of food.
- Supplied as a culture for you to ‘hatch your own’
- Normally hatch in up to 7 days after receipt
- Can continue to hatch for a number of weeks
- Perfect for small pets
These packs are pre-packed with the eggs, larvae and pupae alongside a culture medium to ensure a succession of hatching over a few weeks. You can then shake the freshly hatched flies into your pets container.
What Can Eat Fruit Flies
You can feed flightless fruit flies to a wide range of animals. They are great for dart frogs, reed frogs, mourning geckos, day geckos, hatchling chameleons and other small reptiles and amphibians. You can also give them to spiderlings, jumping spiders and small mantis.
Caring For Your Fruit Fly Culture
Keep your culture at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight. A culture is provided for feeding the flies. Most fruit fly cultures last for around a month. The flies have been bred to be flightless but some may return to full flight after a few generations. Remember to give your culture time to hatch once it has arrived.
Packaging Information
Our Flightless Fruit fly (Drosophila) culture contains Drosophila Hydei in pre-packed tubs with culture medium, eggs, larvae and pupa.