Exo Terra Draining Substrate 2kg
Use this substrate as the base layer in your bioactive setup to aid drainage and biological filteration of your terrarium water.
- Natural, non-organic substrate
- Prevents waterlogging of soil
- Will not decompose ensuring longevity
- Ideal for a variety of bioactive setups
How To use Bio-Drain
This superb substrate is ideal for use in a wide variety of bioactive setups. Simply rinse before use then spread over the base of your terrarium. Add your draining messh and top substrate then decorate.
Why You Need Draining Stubstrate
This naturally occuring grabel allows water to drain freely from the soil into your reservoir and vice versa, ensuring your soil doesn't become waterlogged. This is important as too much water in the soil can prevent air movement, rot plant roots and lead to a build up of unwated bacteria that can be harmful to the inhabitants of your terrarium and cause unpleasant odours.